I have 14 years experience in both general and perio practice, I have always struggled with indirect vision for the mand linguals and thought I just couldn't do it--well actually I can-- I just never had the right tool. The Nu-Bird, is EXCEEDING my expectations!!!
Anyway I LOVE it-used it with every patient. I'm so used to holding a suction AND a mirror in my left hand--flipping back and forth that I went to pick up my reg mirror a couple times out of habit.
By the end of the week it'll be second nature. FINALLY a mirror that I can use for indirect vision on mand ant ling when people have that strong chin reflex--my last patient I fulcrum on the max teeth, the light on my lopes gave me great light reflected in the mirror and the strong chin wasn't even an issue as I wasn't fighting to hold suction, trying to hold the chin back to get good light reflected in a crappy little hand mirror.
Absolutely AWESOME!!!!!!